Expressionsystems/Baculovirus Titering Service/94-901/1 Ea
Expression Systems, LLC
Baculovirus Titering Service
1 Ea
Baculovirus Titering Service
Expression Systems is pleased to offer baculovirus
titering services to help our customers maximize expression and reproducibility. Baculovirus titering is routinely set up on Wednesdays with data delivery Thursday afternoon PST. Samples should be received by 11AM Wednesday to be set up that week.
Accurate titering of recombinant baculovirus is an important step in protein production optimization. A high throughput, flow cytometric assay is utilized to quantitate infectious baculovirus particles produced in insect cell culture, allowing for accurate virus titer determination for multiple conditions in less than 24 hours. The assay detects the cell surface expression of gp64 after a short incubation period allowing for a single round of infection. Virus infected cells are then assessed by flow cytometric analysis for gp64 expression.
Ship 0.5-1 ml of virus stock (as little as 200 ?l can be titered with advance notice)
Ship sterile aliquots in 2 ml screw cap tubes or equivalent. Ship overnight on cold packs.
Please use the form on this page under the “Titering Service Form” tab or at checkout.
Ship to:
Attention: Titering Service
Expression Systems
2537 2nd Street
Davis, CA 95618
Phone: 530-747-2035
Baculovirus Titer Service FAQ
How much virus do I need to ship?
We prefer 1.0 mL but can run the assay with 0.5 mL. If necessary, we can use as little 200 μL but that requires advance notice.
How do I need to ship my virus samples?
Samples need to be sterile and should be ideally sent in cryovials or some other small screw cap tube.
tubes and 15 mL conicals are not appropriate. (We have experienced cracking of 15 mL conical tubes during shipment.)
The sample should NOT be frozen but should be shipped overnight on cold packs. For customers that would like to submit more than 10 samples, we request advance notice (the Monday before they ship, for example, is a reasonable notice).
How do I place an order?
To place a phone order, complete the titering service form and phone in payment by calling 530 747 2035. To pay by purchase order, credit card or debit card, visit the Baculovirus Titering Service page
Where do I ship my samples?
Attention: Titering Service
Expression Systems
2537 2nd Street
Davis, CA 95618
Phone: 530-747-2035
When will I receive my results?
Titer data for samples received by noon on Wed are emailed Thursday afternoon Pacific Standard Time.
Storage Condition